There are several means to do the processing of accent from IR! and this time I absolutely altercate how to actualize tonal colors after the charge for IR filters or whatever it is
1. See Pictures Here!
On some photo editing on the start with the settings of the level, but I prefer not to make this level, but at the start of the hue / saturation, because the dense and luminous IR color is the color hue / Saturation. I raise and lower the hue saturation +50 to -21.
Press OK.
And then I change the hue saturation point ed to raise and lower the saturation +30 to -50 and then I raise the lightness to +20, and then change the Hue / Saturation yellows Being Up Being Lightness Saturation +33 +27, and the greens became Hue hue saturation saturation increased to -11 and +10 and then press OK!

The next step is to use selective color my goal is to create a blue ceiling with changing
Color Cyans
With details
Cyan : +100
Magenta : +100
Yellow : -100
Black : +100
And blue
with details
All +100
And white
with details
Cyan: -19
Magenta: -57
Yellow: -33
Black: –100

The next step is to do a duplicate layer in the color selective color with the same color settings in detail above.

Next is using the Hue / Saturation Again but this time the color settings changing color settings before!
this time the settings are
master with details
Hue: -21
Saturation: +7
Lightness: 0

And configuring a hue / saturation again but that at this time need only change the color of red alone.
With Red Detail
Hue: +41
Saturation: +39
Lightness: +3

And it is the final process is to use the lighting level! I raise only the middle level only
With detail 01.15.255

And here is an array of color on the tone layer in the ir which though.

but the result of all this will produce an unpleasant noise in the eye!

is the abutting footfall can use any babble reducer like noisware, babble ninja or added babble removal, but the antecedent layers of blush that should absorb down. But this time I alone use Despeckle!
After the blush was all already in the absorb arresting or flaten angel again I columnist the clarify babble Despeckle.

Processing blush depending on the blueprint aloft is the photo.
And apologetic if there is a aberration in autograph this tutorial.
And amuse there is added.
A few of my tutorials to allotment knowledge!
I thanked him as abundant as possible!

photoshop pemula

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